Agriculture Officer Past Paper Held On 19-03-2023

1. Sesame belongs to:

  • A) C3
  • B) C4
  • C) CAM

2. Which one is not a cereal crop?

  • A) Rice
  • B) Wheat
  • C) Barley
  • D) Sugarcane

3. Pineapple belongs to:

  • A) CAM
  • B) C3
  • C) C4

4. Which are fiber crops?

  • A) Cotton
  • B) Jute
  • C) Both A & B

5. Which crops are used to control erosion?

  • (open-ended question)

6. Sucking insects of cotton:

  • A) Whitefly + Jassid
  • B) Whitefly + Aphid
  • C) Jassid + Aphid
  • D) All of these

7. Which sector contributes more to GDP?

  • A) Textile
  • B) None of these

8. Forest area in Pakistan:

  • A) Decreasing over the years
  • B) Constantly increasing
  • C) None of these

Additional MCQs Combined:

1. King of Fodder:

  • A) Berseem

2. Pineapple is a:

  • A) CAM plant

3. Sesame is a:

  • A) C3 plant

4. Antixenosis is a:

  • A) Greek word

5. National fruit of Pakistan:

  • A) Mango

6. "Hit the nail on the head" means:

  • A) To be very accurate

7. Trapping pests is a:

  • A) Cultural technique

8. Number of carbons in DNA:

  • A) 5

9. Sunflower seed is:

  • A) Achene

10. Most widely grown wheat:

  • A) Hexaploid

11. T & V stands for:

  • A) Training & Visit

12. UNHCR is located in:

  • A) Geneva

13. Widely used for sodic and saline reclamation:

  • A) Gypsum

14. Carbon valency is:

  • A) 4

15. Passive factor in weathering:

  • A) Parent material

16. Written below the main word:

  • A) Subscript

17. What is Scarification?

  • (open-ended)

18. Primary step of erosion:

  • A) Rain & Splash Erosion (Both A & B)

19. Ascorbic acid is:

  • A) Vitamin C

20. Soy sauce is a product of fermentation of:

  • A) Soybean

21. What is Range?

  • (open-ended)

22. Appearance is:

  • A) Phenotype

23. Virion is:

  • A) A complete infectious virus particle

24. Communication through gestures is:

  • A) Non-verbal communication

25. Number of players in a cricket team:

  • A) 11

26. Witches' broom is caused by:

  • A) Virus

27. Club root affects:

  • A) Cabbage
  • B) Turnip
  • C) Both (error in original)

28. Me/Us

  • (open-ended)

29. Protandry is found in:

  • A) Maize

30. Fiber crops:

  • A) Jute & Cotton

31. Fruit storage is done by:

  • A) Lowering oxygen levels

32. "Take after" means:

  • A) Resemble

33. Maize is:

  • A) Annual

34. First step of PCR:

  • A) Denaturation

35. "Since year" refers to:

  • A) Left (needs context)

36. Major export of Pakistan:

  • A) Fiber

37. Lucknow Pact was made by:

  • A) Muslim League

38. Apricot rootstock is:

  • A) Hari

39. First computerized simulation model for plant diseases:


40. Contribution of cotton to Pakistan's GDP:

  • A) 2%

41. Example of organochlorine pesticides:

  • A) DDT

42. Barley gene bank is managed by:


43. Technical name of Sufaida (tree):

  • A) Eucalyptus globulus

44. Use of traps for pest control?

  • (open-ended)

45. Apricot rootstock in Pakistan?

  • (open-ended)

46. Growing two crops together of totally different species is:

  • A) Intercropping

47. Math: 73% fail, pass is:

  • A) 27%

48. Math (EABD) 4 cm?

  • (open-ended)

49. Best crop combination to avoid soil erosion?

  • (open-ended)

50. Basic/early type of soil erosion:

  • A) Splash/Rain drop erosion 

51. Which one is not a cereal crop?

  • A) Rice
  • B) Wheat
  • C) Barley
  • D) Sugarcane

52. Pineapple belongs to:

  • A) CAM
  • B) C3
  • C) C4

53. Which are fiber crops?

  • A) Cotton & Jute

54. Sucking insects of cotton:

  • A) Whitefly + Jassid
  • B) Whitefly + Aphid
  • C) Jassid + Aphid
  • D) All of these

55. Which sector contributes more to GDP?

  • A) Textile
  • B) None of these

56. Forest area in Pakistan:

  • A) Decreasing from years
  • B) Constantly increasing
  • C) None of these

57. Butterfly, moth, honeybee are:

  • A) Pollinator
  • B) Predator
  • C) Productive insects

58. World food loss is:

  • A) 70%
  • B) 50%
  • C) 30%

59. Different prices for items of the same standard are called:

  • A) Price discrimination
  • B) Price differentiation

60. A flower that has either staminate or pistillate is:

  • A) Monoecious
  • B) Dioecious

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